Perspectives on Early Modern Women in Iberia and the Americas: Studies in Law, Society, Art and Literature in Honor of Anne J. Cruz

Hardcover: 642 pages
Publisher: Escribana Books (November 20, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 194007536X
ISBN-13: 978-1940075365
Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.6 x 9 inches
Price $85
Paperback: 642 pages
Publisher: ESCRIBANA BOOKS (January 21, 2015)
ISBN-10: 1940075270
ISBN-13: 978-1940075273
Product Dimensions: 6 x 1.6 x 9 inches
Price $65
This compilation of thirty-four articles written by renowned international specialists in Hispanic literature, history and culture gathers a variety of approaches to elucidate the lives, work and influence of women in early modern Iberia and the Americas. The volume honors Professor Anne J. Cruz, whose brilliant scholarship in historical gender and women’s studies and early modern Spanish literature has stimulated generations of Hispanists. The authors delve deeply into social and political history, law, literature and artistic representation to yield provocative and revisionist readings of real and fictional aristocrats, women religious, businesswomen, wives and mothers during the transition from the Middle Ages to the dawn of the modern age. This book will be of particular interest to students and scholars of the history and cultural productions by and about women in early modern Iberia and the New World.
PART I. Enterprising Women: Correspondence, Testaments and Memoriales
El memorial autobiográfico de Beatriz Ramírez de Mendoza, Condesa de Castellar (1556-1626)
Nieves Baranda
The Count of Salinas and the Women in his Life
Trevor j. Dadson
Doña María de Ribera, Esposa de Hernando Dávalos:otra dama en el entorno de Garcilaso
Carmen Vaquero
Inca Garcilaso’s Mother: Agency and Authority In Royal Commentaries
Raquel Chang-Rodríguez
La marquesa de Campolattaro y el virrey Osuna: Los diarios de Zazzera y otros rastros sobre su escandalosa relación
Encarnación Sánchez García
A Public Household: Hipòlita Roís de Liori, Networking and (Text)Tile Business in Sixteenth-Century Catalonia and Valencia
Montserrat Pérez-Toribio
Female Agency and Daily Life in Early Colonial Florida’s Ciudad Letrada
Yolanda Gamboa
PART II: The Construction of Marriage in Fiction and the Law
Women’s Status, Family Systems, and Marriage in a Time of Economic Crisis: Cuenca, 1500-1650
Sara T. Nalle
Dorotea’s Dilemma: The Stable Marriage Problem in Don Quixote
Ricardo Castells
In Praise of Lupe Bruce R. Burningham Twisting the Trope: Refashioning the Work of Wedlock in Baroque Spanish Women’s Writings
Shifra Armon
Political Realities and Fictional Surrogates in María de Zayas’s Mal Presagio Casar Lejos
Elizabeth Teresa Howe
PART III. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood
Mujer-águila, polvo espiritado y un conejo boca arriba: oraciones y conjuros para el parto en el México pre-hispánico y colonial
Viviana Díaz Balsera
Abortion, Illicit Sex, and Social Control in the Courts of Early Modern Spain
Edward Behrend-Martínez
Illness and Pregnancy: Female Agency in Lope de Vega’s El acero de Madrid
Jelena Sánchez
Becoming a Legend: Cornelia Africana from Learned Roman Matron to Custodian of the Family Jewels
Emilie L. Bergmann
Puta la madre, puta la hija y puta la manta que las cobija’: El legado de la madre en la picaresca femenina
Enriqueta Zafra
PART IV. Gendering Religious Voices
Forma, reforma y neorreforma: texto, contexto y neotexto en Moradas del Castillo Interior
Martha García
Another Side of Beatas: Their Testimony During Inquisitorial Visits
William P. Childers
Telling a Father’s Life: John of the Cross’s Female Biographers
Darcy Donahue
‘Así como lo pintan por acá’: iconografía contrarreformista en las Vidas de monjas
Mercedes Alcalá Galán
Josefa em Óbidos: Mistress of the Cascais Santa Teresa Series
Jean Andrews
Friends in High Places: The Correspondence of Felipe IV and Sor María de Ágreda
Rosilie Hernández
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor Filotea de la Cruz, and the Construction of Clerical Masculinity in Colonial Mexico
Stephanie Kirk
Aristocrat and Mystic: Writing the Material in Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza
Mary E. Barnard
PART V. Cultural (Con)texts and Literary (Mis)Representations
Send in the Nuns: Jousting Sisters in a Late Medieval Spanish Poem
Ronald E. Surtz
De Solís a Lobo: la mujer en la poesía bajobarroca
Pedro Ruiz Pérez
¿Libertades de Maga? Urganda y las dos Felicias
J. Ignacio Díez
Renegadas in Early Modern Spanish Literature
Steven Hutchinson
‘A Spanish Ottoman’: Cervantes’s Play on Hybridity in La gran sultana doña Catalina de Oviedo
Diana De Armas Wilson
Drawing Leocadia in Cervantes’s La fuerza de la sangre: Woman, Saint, Hortus Conclusus and Mater Dolorosa
Frederick A. De Armas
Voice in Context: Writing Women in Early Modern Spain
Edward H. Friedman
Feliciana Enríquez de Guzmán, una dramaturga barroca seducida por los libros de caballerías
Mª Carmen Marín Pina
‘Cubriendo y velando en la primera hoja’: Antonio León Pinelo y los contextos culturales de Velos antiguos i modernos (1641)
Laura Bass y Carmen Peraita